Brand Identity

Personalidade da EUDRES

E³UDRES², the Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions, is focusing on the following main topics:
Co-Innovate Smart and Sustainable European Regions
Co-Ideate a Future University
Co-Create a European Multi-University Campus E³UDRES² promotes the development of small and medium-sized cities and their rural environments into smart and sustainable regions and shapes a prosperous future with the best possible quality of life for a self-determined people in a progressive European society. E³UDRES² co-creates outstanding ideas and concepts for future universities, integrates challenge-based education, mission-oriented research, humancentred innovation as well as open and engaged knowledge exchange as interrelated core areas and establishes an exemplary multi-university campus across Europe.


Corpo: Helvetica Light
Titulos: Futura

Rosa, Branco, Preto, Azul, Bordeux.

Other Alliances
St.Pölten University of Applied Sciences; Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences; UC Leuven-Limburg University of Applied Sciences; Politehnica University Timisoara; Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences; Saxion University of Applied Sciences; Fulda University of Applied Sciences; Jyväsklä University of Applied Sciences.