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Business Women


Hi!! We are "Business Women", our team is formed by the students Alexandra Macedo, Bruna Mestre and Daniela Rosado. Our strengths as a team are our argumentative capacity, the fact that we are very creative and also our ability to work under pressure.

The project consists in developing an website that can transmit well the chosen theme, which is an informative campaign about what is an "I living Lab".


Hi! My name is Bruna Mestre, i'm 21 years old, and i'm from Grândola. I'm currently a second year student of Marketing in the Politechnical Institute of Setúbal.

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Hey! My name is Alexandra Macedo, i'm 20 years old, and i'm from Vendas Novas. I'm currently a second year student of Marketing in the Politechnical Institute of Setúbal.

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Hello! My name is Daniela Rosado, i'm 20 years old, and i'm from Sagres. I'm currently a second year student of Marketing in the Politechnical Institute of Setúbal.

Campanha informativa...

Campanha informativa...

...sobre o que é um...

...sobre o que é um...

...I Living Lab!

...I Living Lab!


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Bruna Mestre

Alexandra Macedo

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Daniela Rosado

Site developed for the discipline "Advertising Creativity" of the 2nd year of the degree in marketing at the Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal - Not an official EUDRES website

©2023 por businesswomenMKT22

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