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Brand Identity

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Personalidade da EUDRES

  • Jovem

  • Inovadora

  • Experiência

  • Educacional

  • Empreendedora

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E³UDRES², the Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions, is focusing on the following main topics:

  • Co-Innovate Smart and Sustainable European Regions

  • Co-Ideate a Future University

  • Co-Create a European Multi-University Campus E³UDRES² promotes the development of small and medium-sized cities and their rural environments into smart and sustainable regions and shapes a prosperous future with the best possible quality of life for a self-determined people in a progressive European society. E³UDRES² co-creates outstanding ideas and concepts for future universities, integrates challenge-based education, mission-oriented research, humancentred innovation as well as open and engaged knowledge exchange as interrelated core areas and establishes an exemplary multi-university campus across Europe.

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Corpo: Helvetica Light

Titulos: Futura

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Rosa, Branco, Preto, Azul, Bordeux.

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Other Alliances

St.Pölten University of Applied Sciences; Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal; Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences; UC Leuven-Limburg University of Applied Sciences; Politehnica University Timisoara; Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences; Saxion University of Applied Sciences; Fulda University of Applied Sciences; Jyväsklä University of Applied Sciences.



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Bruna Mestre

Alexandra Macedo

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Daniela Rosado

Site developed for the discipline "Advertising Creativity" of the 2nd year of the degree in marketing at the Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal - Not an official EUDRES website

©2023 por businesswomenMKT22

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